Life-time Care & Support
OT Rehab Consulting specialises in providing proactive, collaborative and people centred rehabilitation services for Lifetime Care and Support (LTCS) participants.
We have significant experience working with clients with severe and multiple injuries following motor vehicle accidents, including orthopaedic injuries, amputees, traumatic brain injuries and spinal cord injuries.
Our experienced consultants work closely with participants, their families, LTCS coordinators, attendant carers and treating health professionals. We actively facilitate the achievement of realistic and sustainable participant goals, with the aim of promoting independence and quality of life following traumatic injury.
OT Rehab Consulting can assist with:
Care needs assessments, requests and service reviews
Discharge planning and services
Comprehensive case management
Development, implementation and reviews of community living plans.
Our experienced Occupational Therapists provide a range of comprehensive OT services including:
Activities of Daily Living (ADL) assessments to assist participants with personal care, domestic activities, community access, shopping and leisure activities
Equipment prescription including wheelchairs, pressure care, hoists and bathroom equipment
Minor home modifications
Return to work services
Other Services
Activities of Daily Living & OT Services
Workplace Assessments & RTW (Return to Work) Upgrading Plans